ASF Giving - Privacy Notice

Your support creates the opportunity for students to fulfill their dreams! Not only are you investing in their education today, but you are expanding their options for a successful tomorrow.

Privacy Notice for Donors
Identity and Address of the Responsible Party

The party responsible for treating your personal information is The American School Foundation, A.C. (hereinafter referred to as: “The School”) domiciled at Bondojito No. 215 Col. Las Américas, Mexico City, Álvaro Obregón, 01120, Mexico.

Personal Data Managed by the School

During your participation in this event, the School will treat the following personal information:
  • Identification information: Full name.
  • Contact information: Land line, email, neighborhood, street, number, unit number, borough or municipality, zip code, city.
  • Likewise, if you intend to make a donation, the following personal information will be collected:
  • Financial data: Credit card number, credit verification value, expiration date, fiscal information.

Primary purposes

The School will treat your personal information to fulfill the primary and necessary activities for your registration and participation in the event. If you decide to become a donor, your information will be used to carry out all the activities required to comply with the obligations resulting from your donation and the payment management and processing of your donation.

Secondary purposes

Additionally, unless you provide otherwise, your information will be treated for the following secondary purposes: To send you invitations and information about future events held by the School consistent with your interests. If you prefer not to have your personal data managed by the School for the above mentioned secondary purposes, please contact us at


In order to fulfill the necessary purpose(s) described above or any other purposes required by law or by the competent authorities, the School will only transfer the necessary data in the events foreseen by law.

Means and procedure to exercise ARCO rights and to revoke consents

You or your legal representative may exercise the right to access, rectify, cancel or challenge (hereinafter referred to as “ARCO Rights”) and you may also revoke the consent provided for treatment of information by sending an email to the School’s Privacy Committee at

The procedure to make such request consists of completing the Sole Request to Exercise ARCO Rights developed by the School and which is available at the School’s website, and which contains all the elements required to serve your request according to the standards. For the School's Privacy Committee to follow up your request, you or your legal representative should duly evidence your identities, and for such purposes, all the fields contained in the Request shall be completed and a copy of the effective official identification cards shall be attached to the Request.

If the information provided in the Request is wrongful or insufficient or when the relevant identification documents are not duly attached, the Committee, within five (5) working days as of the date on which the Request was received, may request the elements or documents required to serve the Request. You will have ten (10) working days to fulfill the request as of the following day on which you received such request. Failure to fulfill the request within such term will render the request as not-submitted.

The Committee shall inform the decision made within a maximum term of twenty (20) working days as of the date on which the request was received and, if is considered viable, the same shall be served within fifteen (15) working days as of the date on which the answer was informed. The answer will be emailed to the email address contained in the Request.

Limitation and/or disclosure of personal information

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending a request to the Committee at The requirements to evidence your identity and the procedure to serve your request will be ruled by the same criteria contained in the previous item. If your request is viable, the Committee will record such request in the exclusion list for the purposes for which such exclusion is applicable.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

The School reserves the right to make any changes or alterations to this notice at any time and inform such changes or alterations through its website and/or through national media outlets.